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Category Archives: Residential Solar Hot Water

A New “Made-in-Minnesota” Solar Thermal Rebate Available in 2014

Posted on by Solar Fred

During the summer of 2013, the state of Minnesota passed a new incentive for commercial and residential solar water heating. However, the program budget is small and it requires components to be made in Minnesota. The good news is that … Continue reading

Posted in 30% Investment Tax Credit, Residential Solar Hot Water, Solar Business Resources, Solar Hot Water, Solar Hot Water for Apartment Buildings, solar hot water resources, Solar Process Heat, Solar Rebates |

Congratulations to Santa Clara University on the Solar Decathlon’s “Radiant House”

Posted on by Solar Fred

Free Hot Water congratulates our neighbors at Santa Clara University for their solar thermal performance and innovations at the U.S. Solar Decathlon—and we also thank them for including Free Hot Water. Santa Clara called their entry “Radiant House,” a name … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 Solar Decathlon, Residential Solar Hot Water, Residential Solar Water Heating Installers, Solar Hot Water News, Solar Hot Water Videos |

Video: Solar Architects Through History: From Roman Baths to Today’s Solar Hot Water

Posted on by Solar Fred

One of the first books on solar energy that I ever read was A Golden Thread: 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology by John Perlin. Below, Perlin is interviewed about the (ancient) history of solar hot water and discusses … Continue reading

Posted in CSI Thermal Program, How Solar Works, Residential Solar Hot Water, Solar Business Resources, Solar Hot Water News, solar hot water resources, Solar Hot Water Videos |

The New Architects and Their Solar Thermal Designs at the 2013 Solar Decathlon

Posted on by Solar Fred

It’s exciting to see what’s next in architecture and how young architects are integrating solar hot water and solar heating into their building designs. Below are several video examples from the 2013 Solar Decathlon, an international competition that invites colleges … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 Solar Decathlon, Residential Solar Hot Water, Solar Hot Water News, Solar Thermal & Solar Hot Water News, solar thermal air conditioning, Solar Thermal Space Heating |

To Mandate or Not to Mandate Solar Hot Water, That is the Question…

Posted on by Solar Fred

While incentives alone have worked to grow the market for solar PV systems in California, the state’s generous CSI Thermal rebates—plus the Federal 30% Investment Tax Credit—have yet to create a solar hot water boom in California. At least not … Continue reading

Posted in 30% Investment Tax Credit, CSI Thermal Program, CSI Thermal program for low-income, Hawaii Solar Hot Water, Residential Solar Hot Water, Solar Hot Water Value, Solar Thermal Economics |

Solar Thermal Trends: An Industry Q & A with Free Hot Water’s Chief Engineer

Posted on by Solar Fred

Gal Moyal, Free Hot Water’s chief engineer, was recently featured in an article in Solar Power World, but as often happens, only a few of his written answers were used for the final article. But we thought his responses were … Continue reading

Posted in 30% Investment Tax Credit, Residential Solar Hot Water, Solar Business Resources, Solar Hot Water for Apartment Buildings, solar hot water resources, Solar Hot Water Value, Solar Tax Incentives, Solar Thermal Economics, solar thermal engineering |

Coalition Starts Campaign to Add Solar Thermal to Massachusetts APS

Posted on by Solar Fred

Perhaps not surprisingly, solar hot water has been left out of renewable energy mandates in Massachusetts. But a new coalition of thermal energy advocates has started a new campaign to change that. With a state renewable portfolio standard (RPS), a … Continue reading

Posted in Residential Solar Hot Water, Residential Solar Water Heating Installers, Solar Hot Water, Solar Thermal & Solar Hot Water News |

Announcing New Made-in-USA OG-300 Solar Thermal Kits

Posted on by Solar Fred

In case you missed the news, we recently announced new OG-300 residential solar thermal kits with U.S. solar collectors. The new OG-300 kits include either Sun Earth, Inc, Solene, Alternate Energy Technologies (AET), or Solar Skies OG-100 collectors, depending on … Continue reading

Posted in OG-100 Solar Hot Water Collectors, pre-engineered solar thermal systems, Residential Solar Hot Water, Residential Solar Water Heating Installers, SRCC OG-300 solar systems, Uncategorized |

Two New York Solar Thermal Rebate Updates

Posted on by Solar Fred

New York, NY, a heck of a state for solar hot water, especially if you want to replace your electric water heater with a solar thermal system. Electric water heaters are inefficient and costly compared to heating water with natural … Continue reading

Posted in 30% Investment Tax Credit, Residential Solar Hot Water, Residential Solar Water Heating Installers, Solar Rebates, Solar Tax Incentives, SRCC OG-300 solar systems |

Guest Blog Post: The Sun Shines Just as Bright on Solar Water Heating

Posted on by Solar Fred

By Aaron Block Through renewable energy incentives and renewable portfolio standards (RPS), our state governments should be encouraging desirable results – less pollution, energy independence, and job creation – not betting on specific technologies. Solar is ideal for accomplishing all … Continue reading

Posted in Residential Solar Hot Water, Residential Solar Water Heating Installers, Solar Hot Water, Solar Thermal & Solar Hot Water News, SRCC OG-300 solar systems |